
How to submit a study and its data to the repository.

Our repository deals with clinical research data and therefore needs to deal with the security requirements of such sensitive data. The submission process is rather complex and involves the satisfaction of legal conditions. From the point of view of the submitter it can be summarised in the steps below.

  1. The submitter fill the contact form (available via contact us button) and send it to the repository manager.

  2. The submitter will receive an aknowledgment mail in reply containing instructions on how to proceed.

  3. Submitter register/logs in

  4. The repository manager will assign, after verification, the submittor to an organisation.

  5. The submitter goes to the Studies page to add her study and add the study details required, using the ‘edit study details’.

  6. The submitter goes to the Data Object page and uses the ‘add new data object’ to enter details about her data objects.

  7. The submitter institution and ECRIN complete the contract agreement(s) required.

The repository manager will follow the process and will verify that all the steps has been completed successfully (all necessary information provided through the repository, all the necessary legal documents signed). The manager can then allow the submitter to transfer the dataset and related material to the Secure Area.

When enabled to do so, the submitter can connect to the Secure Data environment to transfer her/his data objects, using the upload button on the relevant DTP page, 'Linked object and people' tab.

The upload button will appear only when the Repository Manager has marked the submission as completed.

The submitter follows the instructions provided in the TSD Guide

Last updated